Utah County Recorder Andrea Allen (2023)
Real Estate
The home at 11757 N. Pennbrooke Lane, Highland was sold on Jan. 6 by Jeffrey and Shannon Esplin for $1.27 million.
11757 N. Pennbrooke Lane, Highland purchased by Jeffrey Asay and Shannon Marika Esplin and Esplin Family Trust 12-20-2024 the
Published 01/11/25
The buyers were Jeffrey Asay and Shannon Marika Esplin and Esplin Family Trust 12-20-2024 the.
The property tax paid for this property in 2023 was $5,222. This is 0.4% of the assessed value of the home.
This property is one of 36 sales in Highland (Utah County) from Dec. 6 to Jan. 6.
This story was found on BlockShopper.com.