Organizations in this Story
City Of Los Angeles
200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Campaigns & Elections
The campaign committee of Democratic Party candidate Pete Aguilar, "Pete Aguilar for Congress," received $12 from R. E. Pfiester on April 10, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Pete Aguilar's campaign committee receives $12 from R. E. Pfiester on April 10
Published 04/20/24
Pete Aguilar for Congress has received $272,630 in contributions since the beginning of the year.
Campaigns must report to the FEC the purpose and payee of all disbursements over $200.
According to OpenSecrets, FEC increased contribution limits for the 2024 election cycle, so individual donors can give $3,300 per candidate per election, an unprecedented $400 increase from $2,900 during the 2022 election cycle.
The contribution limit to national party committees jumped from $36,500 to $41,300 per year for the 2024 election cycle.
The following table lists the 100 largest contributions reported by the committee this year.
Contributor | Type | Amount | Date |
Michael A. Peterson | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 03/05/2024 |
Nat Simons | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 03/04/2024 |
Alexandra Parker | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 02/29/2024 |
Sean Parker | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 02/29/2024 |
Marcela O'Reilly | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 02/26/2024 |
Helen Zalik | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 01/11/2024 |
David Zalik | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $6,600 | 01/11/2024 |
Stan Shuster | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $5,000 | 01/26/2024 |
Stanley Gold | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 04/04/2024 |
William C. Valaika | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/31/2024 |
Charles Tebele | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/31/2024 |
Hadley Sosnoff | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/30/2024 |
Lawrence Duncan III | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/28/2024 |
Larry Greenberg | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/27/2024 |
Filemon Vela | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/21/2024 |
Ken Luce | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/06/2024 |
Audrey Martinez | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 03/04/2024 |
Stephanie Walton | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 02/28/2024 |
Zachary Walton | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 02/28/2024 |
Nema Link | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 02/27/2024 |
Letitia H. White | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 02/26/2024 |
John Arnold | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 02/26/2024 |
Art Kalantar | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,300 | 01/25/2024 |
Patrick O'Reilly | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,100 | 02/26/2024 |
Joann K. Intili | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,000 | 03/06/2024 |
David Alexander | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $3,000 | 03/05/2024 |
Peter McCabe | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,900 | 03/06/2024 |
Regina Montoya | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,800 | 02/13/2024 |
Friends of Community Oncology Pac | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 03/25/2024 |
Edward D. Horovitz | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 03/04/2024 |
Gabrielle Hedlund | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 02/28/2024 |
Smita Trivedi | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 02/26/2024 |
Joshua Trump | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 02/23/2024 |
Tim Rochford | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,500 | 01/10/2024 |
Chollada Blue | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,400 | 03/05/2024 |
Clifford Long | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 03/31/2024 |
Isaac Kos-Read | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 02/27/2024 |
Alexander Lach | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 02/26/2024 |
Alan Hyatt | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Richard Alter | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Bruce Sholk | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Jerry Wolasky | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Avi Benus | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Glenn Weinberg | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Yehuda Neuberger | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Gordon Horwitz | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Ben Greenwald | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Arthur Adler | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $2,000 | 01/11/2024 |
Susan Levkoff | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,800 | 03/23/2024 |
Matthew Steckman | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,700 | 03/11/2024 |
Linden Blue | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,600 | 03/05/2024 |
Gary J. Liaou | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 04/09/2024 |
William Shopoff | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 04/08/2024 |
Justin King | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 03/27/2024 |
Edward Kissam | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 03/06/2024 |
Manuel Berrelez | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 03/04/2024 |
Angie Jacobsen | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 02/28/2024 |
Sheryl Cohen | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 02/20/2024 |
Kris Balderston | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,500 | 02/08/2024 |
Benjy Berger | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 03/14/2024 |
David Levine | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 03/05/2024 |
Shai Waisman | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 03/04/2024 |
David Lazarus | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 02/23/2024 |
Laurence Smith | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 02/14/2024 |
Alexander Wohl | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,250 | 02/08/2024 |
Nathan Daschle | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 04/10/2024 |
Shawn Smeallie | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 04/09/2024 |
Larry E. Burgess | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 04/08/2024 |
Thomas A. Daschle | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 04/01/2024 |
Nathan Daschle | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 04/01/2024 |
Jonathan Davis | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/31/2024 |
Jeffrey Wolk | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/31/2024 |
Benjamin Bloomstone | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/31/2024 |
Cristina Antelo | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/31/2024 |
Mitchell Roberts | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Chuck Myers | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Matthew Botein | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Robert Huebscher | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Jordan Hershman | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Roger Klein | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
David Goodtree | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
Jody Forchheimer | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/27/2024 |
John E. Tiedt | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/23/2024 |
William D. Shapiro | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 03/13/2024 |
Julie Caskey | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/28/2024 |
Myrna Walton | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/27/2024 |
Lydia Rivera | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/20/2024 |
Garry South | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/14/2024 |
Shannon Taylor | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/14/2024 |
Larry Curtis | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 02/01/2024 |
Michael Flynn | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/25/2024 |
J. Mark Schapiro | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/24/2024 |
Danny Bakewell | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/24/2024 |
Jonathan Rose | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/22/2024 |
Shelley Goldseker | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Steven Sibel | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Robert Russel | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Leonor Blum | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Mark Neumann | Earmarked contributions to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |
Noah D. Marine | Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company | $1,000 | 01/18/2024 |