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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign committee receives $250 from Megan McVeety on May 6

Published 05/16/24

The campaign committee of Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., "Team Kennedy," received $250 from Megan McVeety on May 6, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Team Kennedy has received $17.7 million in contributions since the beginning of the year.

Campaigns must report to the FEC the purpose and payee of all disbursements over $200.

According to OpenSecrets, FEC increased contribution limits for the 2024 election cycle, so individual donors can give $3,300 per candidate per election, an unprecedented $400 increase from $2,900 during the 2022 election cycle.

The contribution limit to national party committees jumped from $36,500 to $41,300 per year for the 2024 election cycle.

The following table lists the 100 largest contributions reported by the committee this year.

Nicole ShanahanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,000,00004/01/2024
Nicole ShanahanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$2,000,00003/27/2024
Rick SalomonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$29,59701/22/2024
Ivet SebitaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$19,80003/10/2024
Scott NorrisContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$19,64203/05/2024
Cheryl MeadsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$18,73803/21/2024
Robert LariviereContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$16,69601/03/2024
Robert YohaiContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$15,91002/20/2024
Todd O'NeilContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20003/31/2024
Carol CaugheyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$12,30003/27/2024
Sanjay PaulContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$12,00001/30/2024
Jacob CanteleContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,82902/29/2024
Nicole ShanahanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,99104/19/2024
Terrence O'NeillContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,79201/31/2024
Somers StephensonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,27203/28/2024
Michael ParienteContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,19403/06/2024
Craig BachrodtContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,13902/22/2024
Logan AbbottContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,12303/31/2024
David RileyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,64802/28/2024
Jacquie VasicekContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,54003/31/2024
Beth AtkinsonContribution refund to an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80402/19/2024
Beth AtkinsonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80402/14/2024
Daniel JarvisContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79604/16/2024
David BachContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,70203/13/2024
Ed FlemingContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/30/2024
Greg GlassmanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/30/2024
Mark HirlemanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/30/2024
Evan RoseContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/29/2024
Robert ShemwellContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/23/2024
Tara ZieberContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/21/2024
Robert ZieberContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/21/2024
Erika RiccobonoContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/17/2024
Jodie ArshoukContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/15/2024
David HargroveContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/15/2024
Paul HirschbergerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/11/2024
Steven ShapiroContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/10/2024
Matthew HaltomContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/09/2024
Ronald KentContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/08/2024
Gary McCownContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60004/04/2024
Kathy JohnsonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/24/2024
Ellen VolpeContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/22/2024
Charles VolpeContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/22/2024
Mark PhillipsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/21/2024
Zack NelsonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/19/2024
Zachary PughContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/14/2024
Liz GermainContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/12/2024
Omar SebitaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/12/2024
Jay BloomContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/11/2024
Bruce TranContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/11/2024
Dave AspreyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/10/2024
Christal FuentesContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/06/2024
Khalil KhalilContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60003/05/2024
Beth AtkinsonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/29/2024
George SakhelContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/29/2024
Roland OrlandoContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/29/2024
Robert AckermanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/27/2024
Brad WeimertContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/22/2024
Joshua MozellContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/21/2024
Michael ReillyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/14/2024
Jeffrey NeuContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/13/2024
Kimi PuntilloContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/12/2024
April BuchheitContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/08/2024
Michael McCarthyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/04/2024
Nada StocktonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60002/02/2024
Vaughn CookContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/29/2024
Kathryn CookContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/29/2024
Guy McGoughContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/17/2024
Agata EverestContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/16/2024
Nagarjuna YarrapuContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/11/2024
Natalya AbramyanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/10/2024
James GarbarinoContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/09/2024
Alexander RankinContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/09/2024
Evelyne PoghosyanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/09/2024
Mary GibbonsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,60001/03/2024
Loretta BacaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,59903/13/2024
Rosanna ReillyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,57502/13/2024
Ward RichmondContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,55604/08/2024
Grant GoodsteinContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,55003/18/2024
Lessing SternContribution refund to an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,53902/07/2024
Lessing SternContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,53901/30/2024
Tiffany NeuContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,53502/13/2024
Eric ToczkoContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,50003/12/2024
Ryan ConwayContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,35002/20/2024
Garrick SturgillContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,34103/11/2024
Russell HirschContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,19403/31/2024
Teresa FerrariContribution refund to an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,17902/07/2024
Teresa FerrariContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,17901/28/2024
Mohammad HallakContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00004/14/2024
Kelly Couch-RickerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00003/27/2024
Audrey JonesContribution refund to an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00003/13/2024
Richard EllerbrakeContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00002/25/2024
Audrey JonesContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00002/20/2024
Jon VromanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00002/06/2024
Gwenn RypkemaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,00001/11/2024
Vale KrenikContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,99903/31/2024
Corey LevyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,99902/26/2024
Alex MoscowContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,85003/13/2024
David BayerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,77303/17/2024
Carl SchiermeyerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,77302/08/2024
Brad DavisContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$5,65902/29/2024
