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34 motor vehicle thefts handled by Michigan State University Police Department officers in 2022

Published 06/04/24

Michigan State University Police Department law enforcement officers grappled with 34 motor vehicle thefts in 2022, according to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

Of all types of crime tracked by the NIBRS, motor vehicle theft was the seventh most popular crime handled by the Michigan State University Police Department office.

Officers in Michigan State University Police Department were involved in 912 offenses throughout the year.

The NIBRS was designed to provide detail and context around crime stats. Under the previous system, only the most serious crime related to an incident would be logged. If an incident involved a homicide as well as aggravated assault and theft, only a homicide would be recorded in criminal statistics.

It is used by law enforcement at all levels, from local to federal.

Top 100 Locations with Highest Number of Motor Vehicle Theft Offenses Across the US in 2022
LocationNUMBER OF OFFENCESIncidents per month
Chicago Police Department21,2521,771
Houston Police Department17,1611,430
Denver Police Department15,0051,250
Dallas Police Department13,2741,106
Philadelphia Police Department12,5501,045
San Antonio Police Department12,4001,033
Memphis Police Department10,991915
Portland Police Department10,761896
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department10,746895
Detroit Police Department9,543795
Milwaukee Police Department7,809650
Harris County Sheriff's Office7,445620
St. Louis Police Department7,337611
Columbus Police Department7,281606
Seattle Police Department6,984582
Aurora Police Department6,824568
San Diego Police Department6,502541
Minneapolis Police Department6,197516
Kansas City Police Department6,002500
Albuquerque Police Department5,997499
Tacoma Police Department5,582465
Austin Police Department5,306442
Indianapolis Police Department4,687390
Cleveland Police Department3,968330
Honolulu Police Department3,962330
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department3,742311
Fort Worth Police Department3,492291
Atlanta Police Department3,287273
DeKalb County Police Department3,270272
St. Paul Police Department3,222268
Tulsa Police Department3,141261
Oklahoma City Police Department2,982248
St. Louis County Police Department2,894241
Vancouver Police Department2,854237
Colorado Springs Police Department2,793232
Pierce County Sheriff's Office2,569214
Newark Police Department2,133177
Lakewood Police Department2,095174
Kent Police Department2,033169
Cincinnati Police Department2,017168
Spokane Police Department1,843153
Norfolk Police Department1,834152
North Las Vegas Police Department1,763146
Pueblo Police Department1,748145
Salt Lake City Police Department1,726143
Birmingham Police Department1,709142
Wichita Police Department1,627135
Baton Rouge Police Department1,554129
Buffalo Police Department1,542128
Baltimore County Police Department1,483123
Westminster Police Department1,468122
Federal Way Police Department1,463121
Dayton Police Department1,432119
El Paso Police Department1,416118
Grand Rapids Police Department1,401116
Renton Police Department1,372114
San Diego County Sheriff's Office1,354112
Fairfax County Police Department1,351112
Montgomery County Police Department1,337111
Auburn Police Department1,276106
Lubbock Police Department1,244103
Lexington Police Department1,241103
Greensboro Police Department1,237103
Chattanooga Police Department1,233102
Salem Police Department1,217101
Arlington Police Department1,213101
Boston Police Department1,19099
Thornton Police Department1,18598
Springfield Police Department1,17898
Raleigh Police Department1,17397
Clackamas County Sheriff's Office1,16096
Gresham Police Department1,15496
Toledo Police Department1,13294
Reno Police Department1,12793
Adams County Sheriff's Office1,07489
Little Rock Police Department1,06788
Garland Police Department1,05988
Mesa Police Department1,05587
Sioux Falls Police Department1,04787
Mesquite Police Department1,02085
King County Sheriff's Office1,00884
Everett Police Department1,00683
Greeley Police Department1,00583
Chula Vista Police Department98782
Lakewood Police Department98081
Clark County Sheriff's Office97881
Knoxville Police Department95579
Winston-Salem Police Department94979
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office93778
Amarillo Police Department93177
Irving Police Department92777
Snohomish County Sheriff's Office91075
Independence Police Department90875
Las Cruces Police Department90575
Richland County Sheriff's Office90175
Bexar County Sheriff's Office89574
Bibb County Sheriff's Office89174
Tukwila Police Department89074
Akron Police Department88974
Durham Police Department88673
