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9113 Spanish Moss Way, Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Campaigns & Elections

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s campaign committee receives $100 from Dolly Rua on Dec. 12

Published 12/22/23

The campaign committee of Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., "Team Kennedy," received $100 from Dolly Rua on Dec. 12, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Team Kennedy has received $12.6 million in contributions since the beginning of the year.

Campaigns must report to the FEC the purpose and payee of all disbursements over $200.

According to OpenSecrets, FEC increased contribution limits for the 2024 election cycle, so individual donors can give $3,300 per candidate per election, an unprecedented $400 increase from $2,900 during the 2022 election cycle.

The contribution limit to national party committees jumped from $36,500 to $41,300 per year for the 2024 election cycle.

The following table lists the 100 largest contributions reported by the committee this year.

Kristen GrayContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$16,98706/30/2023
Gregory SampognaroContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$16,25006/30/2023
Dennis SorensonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$15,15511/28/2023
Carol LewisContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,70007/24/2023
Mary MartyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,60809/14/2023
Ashley GrahamContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,30006/30/2023
Devon BrigerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20009/17/2023
Jae KwonContribution refund to an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20009/10/2023
Matthew BekamContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20007/24/2023
Brian MillerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20006/30/2023
Richard Garek NgContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,20006/30/2023
Brittney Cade PritchardContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$13,19809/18/2023
Catie WymanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,50008/06/2023
Patrick FlynnContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,30806/21/2023
Joseph GebbiaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,10406/30/2023
Emma RactliffeContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,10406/30/2023
Rand AronovContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$10,00006/26/2023
Brad StarkeyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90009/30/2023
Ashley TahvildaranContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90009/19/2023
Scott MeyerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90008/28/2023
John ElderContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
John SzaboContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Dean LandisContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Mark DicksonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
David MarcusContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Blaine BirchbyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Karen FaccianiContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Kim SapersteinContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Michael WalrathContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Connie SampognaroContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/30/2023
Nick TomainoContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/29/2023
Nick LyonsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
Scott BedfordContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
James GatwardContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
George O'Neill Jr.Contribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
Maureen GatwardContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
Mariandrea TysonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/28/2023
Gina BuskirkContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/27/2023
Eugene JohnsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/27/2023
Renee ColemanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/27/2023
Nanette JohnsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/27/2023
Max MendelContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/26/2023
Jason MendelContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/26/2023
Jake MendelContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/25/2023
Joseph McCloskeyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/25/2023
Bradley McCloskeyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/25/2023
Omeed MalikContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/21/2023
Barbara TrunskyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/21/2023
Kenneth FisherContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/19/2023
Patrisha WintersContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90006/13/2023
Steven SadlerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/24/2023
Elizabeth HornContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/23/2023
Gabriella SarloContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/18/2023
Sebastyen JackovicsContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/18/2023
James ReesContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/17/2023
Nicole ShanahanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/17/2023
Roland VandermeerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/16/2023
Ricky ArriolaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/15/2023
Gwendolyn GraceContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/15/2023
Jerry BelloContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/14/2023
Andrew RoblContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/11/2023
William HoytContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/11/2023
Sally SneddenContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/11/2023
Gerald CelenteContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/09/2023
John MooreContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/08/2023
Brett MessingContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/07/2023
Charlotte HughesContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,90005/02/2023
Pierre KoryContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,89908/27/2023
Marie BacsikContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,65005/21/2023
Jill SkordinskiContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,40006/28/2023
Brian TysonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,38406/28/2023
Jessica GlowakiContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,10009/19/2023
Charles LongContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$9,10005/10/2023
Rick CarltonContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,30009/25/2023
Kerry DelucaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$8,25006/27/2023
Victor ZueContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,90005/23/2023
Stephanie SeneffContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,90005/23/2023
John CashContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,70006/12/2023
Marianne OgloContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,50009/21/2023
Adele BraunContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,40006/26/2023
Linsey HurleyContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,30006/30/2023
Richard GondaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,10007/25/2023
Sarah SullivanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,10006/30/2023
Michael BauerschmidtContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,01509/30/2023
Jeffrey SaarmanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,01509/25/2023
Brad StanbackContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,01509/13/2023
Earl KaplanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,00806/28/2023
George AbbottContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$7,00806/19/2023
Michael LaroccaContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,94610/19/2023
Nathan BondContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80412/12/2023
Brian HunsakerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80409/17/2023
Robert BishopContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80408/30/2023
Robert BurkeContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80408/01/2023
Mohamed SharafContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80407/24/2023
Nancy HunsakerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,80109/17/2023
Souren AgemianContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79712/10/2023
Aramais ParonyanContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79711/14/2023
Robert WisnerContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79710/24/2023
Alyce PeekContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79710/15/2023
Sarah BridgesContribution to political committees (other than Super PACs and Hybrid PACs) from an individual, partnership or limited liability company$6,79710/11/2023
