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City Of Riverton
603 K St, Riverton, IA 51650
USCB Chief Scientist and Associate Director for Research and Methodology Dr. Sallie A. Keller
USCB Chief Scientist and Associate Director for Research and Methodology Dr. Sallie A. Keller

Census Bureau: More men than women in Riverton in 2021

Published 12/20/23

Of the 241 people living in Riverton city, Iowa, in 2021, 46.9% (113) were women and 53.1% (128) were men, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained by Mifeed.

Data showed the average age for men in Riverton in 2021 was 47 years old, higher than the national average of 38 for men. Meanwhile, women in Riverton were 46 years old in comparison to the national average of 40 for women.

According to census data, men aged 18 and over outnumbered women in the same age group by 28. Meanwhile, in the 65 and over group, there were 22 men and 24 women.

An agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, the Census Bureau is responsible for compiling statistical facts about the American people, places and economy. Data for this story was compiled from the bureau's American Community Survey. Information from the survey helps to determine how federal and state funds are distributed. These funds significantly influence community services, education, and infrastructure in areas like Riverton.

Gender Composition of Riverton Population in 2021
0246810121416Under 5 years5 to 9 years10 to 14 years18 and 19 years21 years22 to 24 years25 to 29 years30 to 34 years35 to 39 years40 to 44 years45 to 49 years50 to 54 years55 to 59 years60 and 61 years62 to 64 years65 and 66 years67 to 69 years70 to 74 years75 to 79 years80 to 84 years85 years and overFemaleMale

Riverton's Estimated Population by Sex and Age Range Over 3 Years
Age Range (Years)SexPopulation in 2021Population in 2020Population in 2019Change 2020-2021Change 2019-2020
Under 5 Female98412.5%100%
Under 5 Male2220%0%
5 to 9 Female81110-27.3%10%
5 to 9 Male7810-12.5%-20%
10 to 14 Female1010250%-60%
10 to 14 Male76616.7%0%
15 to 17 Male001N/A-100%
18 and 19 Female456-20%-16.7%
18 and 19 Male9109-10%11.1%
21 Male570-28.6%N/A
22 to 24 Female015-100%-80%
22 to 24 Male91211-25%9.1%
25 to 29 Female282-75%300%
25 to 29 Male76716.7%-14.3%
30 to 34 Female897-11.1%28.6%
30 to 34 Male406N/A-100%
35 to 39 Female75540%0%
35 to 39 Male7139-46.2%44.4%
40 to 44 Female88110%-27.3%
40 to 44 Male422100%0%
45 to 49 Female5614-16.7%-57.1%
45 to 49 Male101111-9.1%0%
50 to 54 Female108425%100%
50 to 54 Male5610-16.7%-40%
55 to 59 Female10129-16.7%33.3%
55 to 59 Male98912.5%-11.1%
60 and 61 Female732133.3%50%
60 and 61 Male577-28.6%0%
62 to 64 Female1110%0%
62 to 64 Male16173-5.9%466.7%
65 and 66 Female102N/A-100%
65 and 66 Male108325%166.7%
67 to 69 Female6690%-33.3%
67 to 69 Male32450%-50%
70 to 74 Female598-44.4%12.5%
70 to 74 Male3330%0%
75 to 79 Female1081025%-20%
75 to 79 Male359-40%-44.4%
80 to 84 Female022-100%0%
80 to 84 Male232-33.3%50%
85 and overFemale200N/AN/A
85 and overMale1110%0%

Source: US Census Bureau
