![USCB Associate Director for Economic Programs Nick Orsini](https://dbtpd8dimhdnd.cloudfront.net/f7/71/13700753/nickorsini300x375.png)
Census Bureau: 2.6% of people in Miller identified as multiracial in 2021
The most prevalent racial group among citizens in Miller who reported being of a single race in 2021 was white, comprising 91.7% or 563 individuals. Following them, American Indian or Alaska Native accounted for 3.1% and totaled 19 individuals.
The percentage of multiracial residents in Miller is lower than the state average, which stands at 4.6%.
An agency of the U.S. Federal Statistical System, the Census Bureau is responsible for compiling statistical facts about the American people, places and economy. Data for this story was compiled from the bureau's American Community Survey. Information from the survey helps to determine how federal and state funds are distributed. These funds significantly influence community services, education, and infrastructure in areas like Miller.
Estimated Total | |
White | 563 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 19 |
Multiracial | 16 |
Some Other Race | 10 |
African American | 6 |