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Suny University At Albany
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
K-12 Schools

2021: University at Albany charges some of the highest tuition rates and fees for in-New York students

Published 02/21/23

University at Albany cost $10,408 in tuition and fees for students studying in-state, according to the latest disclosure from the National Center for Education Statistics.

This ranks University at Albany as the sixth most expensive school in New York in 2021.

The amount an in-state student paid in tuition and fees was $248 more than the previous year.

Out-of-state students attending University at Albany in 2021 were expected to pay $28,248, which is $498 more than the previous year.

Dutchess Community College charged the least among New York schools in 2021 for tuition and fees paid by in-state students.

The average cost of college has more than doubled in the 21st century, growing by more than seven percent every year. In-state students can expect to spend nearly $26,000 per year at a public, 4-year post-secondary school.

In 2020-2021 a total of $234.9 billion in financial aid was granted to help graduate and undergraduate students.

Cost of education for in-state students in New York in 2021
CityInstitution NameCollege costs
AlfredAlfred University$33,864
UticaSaint Elizabeth College of Nursing$18,750
UticaSaint Elizabeth College of Nursing$18,750
BuffaloUniversity at Buffalo$10,782
Stony BrookStony Brook University$10,455
AlbanyUniversity at Albany$10,408
VestalBinghamton University$10,390
SyracuseSUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry$9,206
PurchaseSUNY at Purchase College$8,953
GeneseoSUNY College at Geneseo$8,927
PlattsburghSUNY College at Plattsburgh$8,911
AlfredSUNY College of Technology at Alfred$8,857
CortlandState University of New York- Cortland$8,815
OneontaSUNY Oneonta$8,786
OswegoSUNY College at Oswego$8,769
FredoniaSUNY at Fredonia$8,760
MorrisvilleMorrisville State College$8,741
PotsdamSUNY College at Potsdam$8,712
CantonSUNY College of Technology at Canton$8,689
BrockportSuny Brockport$8,678
CobleskillSUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill$8,676
DelhiSUNY College of Technology at Delhi$8,640
FarmingdaleFarmingdale State College$8,576
UticaSUNY Polytechnic Institute$8,548
New PaltzState University of New York at New Paltz$8,523
