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Guillen Middle
900 S COTTON ST, El Paso, TX 79901
K-12 Schools

Guillen Middle School taught 43 gifted and talented students during the 2021-2022 school year

Published 02/13/23

Guillen Middle School enrolled 43 students who identified as gifted and talented during the 2021-2022 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

The Texas education system is currently torn between public schools and taxpayer-funded private schools.

Critics argue that private schools use funds that should go to the public school system, while private school advocates claim they’re offering better education for more Texas students.

Top 100 Texas schools with the most gifted and talented students

RankSchoolNumber of gifted and talented students
1Bellaire High School1,194
2Lamar High School1,014
3Lanier Middle School921
3Vandegrift High School921
5Carnegie Vanguard High School911
6Heights High School881
7Flower Mound High School868
8Coppell High School866
9Allen High School858
10T.H. Rogers School842
11Lasa High School824
12United High School822
13Kinder High School for Performing and Visual Arts772
14Westside High School760
15Skyline High School743
16Plano East Senior High School741
17John B. Alexander High School725
18Pin Oak Middle School723
19Kealing Middle School681
19Seven Lakes High School681
21Plano West Senior High School648
22Grapevine High School646
23League City Intermediate643
24Austin Academy for Excell634
25Marcus High School617
26Westwood High School614
27Vista Ridge High School611
28West University Elementary School598
29Hebron High School596
30Paschal High School589
31Windsor Park G/T585
32Garland High School584
33Memorial High School575
34Debakey High School for Health Prof566
35Plano Senior High School563
36The Woodlands High School556
37Cedar Park High School547
38Bridgeland High School546
39Quail Valley Middle School544
40Keller High School541
40Tompkins High School541
42Westbrook Intermediate535
43Round Rock High School524
44Centennial High School516
45Martin High School510
45Richardson High School510
47Clements High School506
48Wylie High School499
49New Elementary at Ryans Crossing496
50Colleyville Heritage High School494
51N. Garland High School486
52United South High School481
53Canyon Ridge Middle School480
54Pearce High School479
55Lake Travis High School475
56Chavez High School474
57Jasper High School471
58College Park High School470
59Carver Center463
60Carroll High School459
61Cypress Ranch High School455
61Reedy High School455
63Lakewood Elementary School452
64W.E. Greiner Exploratory Arts Academy449
65Memorial Middle School448
66C.M. Rice Middle School447
67Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School444
68Black Middle School437
68Coronado High School437
70Smith Middle School434
71Lebanon Trail High School432
72Leander High School431
73Franklin High School430
74Carroll Senior High School423
74Cinco Ranch High School423
74Lewisville High School423
77Bowie High School422
77Burbank Middle School422
79Clear Lake High School421
80Reagan High School419
81Pershing Middle School418
81Sachse High School418
83Florence W. Stiles Middle School415
83Liberty High School415
85Beckendorff Junior High School414
86Milby High School413
87McCullough Junior High School412
88William B. Travis Vanguard Academy of Academically Tag411
89Austin High School410
90School for the Talented and Gifted409
91Alamo Heights High School407
91Glenda Dawson High School407
93Cypress Woods High School405
94Permian High School401
94Trimble Technical High School401
96Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts399
96Jack E. Singley Academy399
98Rouse High School398
99Highland Park High School397
100Rio Grande City High School395
100Robert E. Lee High School395
